Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Right about now

Draught' at University of Sydney's Tin Sheds Gallery (148 City Rd, Camperdown) is closing this Saturday. So, you are rapidly nearing the end of your chance to see this fine exhibition of work by 9 former firstdraft directors. So, why not go this Saturday when Cy Norman* will be playing sounds collected from the gallery's air conditioning ducts and modified throughout the duration of the show? Due to gallery restrictions, the sound work was unable to be amplified in the Tin Sheds throughout the show, but Cy has uploaded his creations here. Hear it live in the gallery between 1 and 5.

'work in progress' -Cy Norman

Performance Space's Clubhouse program kicked off last week and my what fun we've all had! On Wednesday Barbara Campbell laboured for 3 hours over a steam press custom making punters News Haiku T-shirts, T-towels and tote bags. Proudly sporting my own Haiku shirt, the following evening I attended Malcolm Whittaker's 'a lover's discourse' - a lecture performance on Whittaker's awkward understanding of love. At the end we were given an address and profile of a stranger on the other side of the world and instructions to write this person a love letter. I am still contemplating; will I? won't I? More amazing stuff coming up at Clubhouse - performances, music, forums - and it's all free.

A big thanks to all who bought lammingtons. It was a big success. Apart from the rain. Still waiting on a few payments to work out total funds raised. I'll keep you posted.

rainy lammington pickups

Finally, it's time to start getting excited (and fit) for Monthly Friend 'Beep Test' . It's a beep test. 28th March. More info coming soon.

*I feel oblige to declare a conflict of interest like Kyle Sandilands never would, that I am in a relationship with Cy Norman.