Performance Space's Clubhouse program kicked off last week and my what fun we've all had! On Wednesday Barbara Campbell laboured for 3 hours over a steam press custom making punters News Haiku T-shirts, T-towels and tote bags. Proudly sporting my own Haiku shirt, the following evening I attended Malcolm Whittaker's 'a lover's discourse' - a lecture performance on Whittaker's awkward understanding of love. At the end we were given an address and profile of a stranger on the other side of the world and instructions to write this person a love letter. I am still contemplating; will I? won't I? More amazing stuff coming up at Clubhouse - performances, music, forums - and it's all free.

A big thanks to all who bought lammingtons. It was a big success. Apart from the rain. Still waiting on a few payments to work out total funds raised. I'll keep you posted.
Finally, it's time to start getting excited (and fit) for Monthly Friend 'Beep Test' . It's a beep test. 28th March. More info coming soon.
*I feel oblige to declare a conflict of interest like Kyle Sandilands never would, that I am in a relationship with Cy Norman.